WACC Meeting Minutes 11/02/19
WEST ARDNAMURCHAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AT THE KILCHOAN LEARNING CENTRE, KILCHOAN ON MONDAY 11th FEBRUARY 2019 AT 7PM 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Present: Geoff Campbell (Chair) (GCC May McNicol (Vice Chairperson) (MM) Pat MacPhail (Treasurer) (PM) Stewart Connor (Secretary) SC Gill Calver (GC) Jessie Colquhoun (JC) Also, present were 9 members of the public. Apologies were received from, Cllr’s. Andrew Baxter (AB), Iain Ramon (IR) and Cllr. Niall MacLean. Kevin Swift and Angie Campbell, Police Scotland. GCC welcomed everyone present to the meeting. 2. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 14 th JANUARY 2019 The minutes of the meeting held 14 th January 2019 were adopted as a true account of the meeting. Proposed by MM and seconded by PM 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES GCC confirmed that further discussions had taken place with Ardnamurchan Estate on the issue of woodcock shooting close to housing and public roads. The estate had confirmed that...