WACC meeting minutes 08/07/19, Kilchoan Community Centre

MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AT THE KILCHOAN COMMUNITY CENTRE, ON MONDAY 8th JULY 2019 AT 7PM 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Present Geoff Campbell Chair (GCC) May McNicol Vice Chairperson (MM) Pat MacPhail Treasurer (PM) Stewart Connor Secretary (SC) Gill Calver (GC) Jessie Colquhoun (JC) Kevin Swift, Police Scotland (KS) Also, present were 6 members of the public. GCC welcomed everyone present to the meeting. 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held 13 th May 2019 were adopted as a true account of the meeting. Proposed by JC and seconded by GCC. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Access to hills and public rights of way GCC confirmed that the core paths consultation was now open and confirmed the following web address; http://consult.highland.gov.uk/portal/environment/cpp/whi/whi_cpp?pointld=5405619 GC...