WACC meeting minutes 08/07/19, Kilchoan Community Centre




Geoff Campbell Chair (GCC)

May McNicol Vice Chairperson (MM)

Pat MacPhail Treasurer (PM)

Stewart Connor Secretary (SC)

Gill Calver (GC)

Jessie Colquhoun (JC)

Kevin Swift, Police Scotland (KS)

Also, present were 6 members of the public.

GCC welcomed everyone present to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held 13th May 2019 were adopted as a true account of the meeting. Proposed by JC and seconded by GCC.


Access to hills and public rights of way

GCC confirmed that the core paths consultation was now open and confirmed the following web address;

GCC produced copies of maps for the perusal of members.

GC said that another resident of Glenborrodale had today added to the argument that there must be an existing right of way from Glenborrodale to Acharacle as the old coffin roads were all rights of way, and in the past Glenborrodale residents would have had to have been taken to Acharacle for burial.  Post would also have to have travelled the same route to Glenborrodale

PM asked if the bridge on the school path had been repaired. MM advised that the path between Portuairk and Bay MacNeil was in bad way

GC confirmed that she had spoken to David Robertson of Forestry Scotland reference access to Dun Ghallain woodland walk. He confirmed that the walk was closed to allow the dangerous boardwalks to be removed and would re-open once this was complete.

GC confirmed that Ian Collier of Forestry Scotland may be able to attend the September WACC meeting.


The financial update is recorded in the minute of the AGM held prior to this meeting.


JC confirmed that Alan Knox may be able to come down to Kilchoan before the next meeting in August to discuss the provision of emergency responders.

It was noted that it was important to have a WACC presence at the regular Dalmhor meetings. Member of the public Morag Docherty (MD) offered her assistance when GC was unable to attend.

GC confirmed the next meeting would take place on the 17th of July when Iain Stewart, the new Chief Executive of NHS Highland would be visiting Dalmhor.

A discussion took place surrounding the remote consultancy facility available in Kilchoan.

PM asked if there was any further update on the hospital transport provision. Member of the public Fiona Ogg stated that she thought that someone had been trained. The contact for this was Fiona Galbraith in Strontian and this would be followed up for the next meeting.

Action. WACC to update hospital transport provision at next meeting.


6.1  Updates from Highland Council

GC and MM highlighted the poor condition of the Loch Mudle section of the B8007 and asked if there was any indication of when the promised resurfacing would take place. MM raised concerns regarding the condition of the road from Glenborrodale to the lighthouse which is one of the main tourist attractions in the region.

SC confirmed that there was no update from Highland Council reference a proposed meeting with Mark Smith, Senior Roads, Engineer. SC confirmed that this could be escalated to Kate Forbes, MSP at her attendance at the next WACC meeting on the 15th of August.

Action. WACC to raise these issues with Kate Forbes MSP or Iain Blackford MP at the 15th of August surgeries.

6.2   Review of road maintenance faults reported

SC confirmed that a temp sign was now in place at the Ockle/Kilmory junction pending a new sign being made.

A member of the public raised an issue with the lack of verge cutting on the road through Ormsaigbeag. SC confirmed that this can be raised via the Highland Council online road maintenance reporting service.

A discussion with input from KS on the road safety issues surrounding verge cutting followed.


PC Kevin Swift (KS) who was present at the meeting confirmed that there was not much to report this month by way of police incidents.

An update was provided by e-mail and previously circulated to members as follows;

“We have received no information yet with regard to speed limit signs. This has been chased up though. With regard to waste from caravans and mobile homes. If its on private land it is up to the landowner to dispose of properly. If it is on public land the council and ourselves should be informed. We would ask that anybody seeing people dump waste from caravans or mobile homes to note the details of the vehicle and any description of people responsible so we can chase it up. Please continue to inform us of cold callers and possible bogus workmen and also their vehicle details too”

KS confirmed the opening of the resilient communities fund which he confirmed was under subscribed and could be used to purchase road safety signage.

KS then led a discussion on road safety awareness including the risks posed by large groups of cyclists on single track roads.


8.1  Planning Applications

19/01795/FUL, Silver Craigs, Sanna, per Mrs Fiona Lamotte, Perth. Erection of replacement porch, extension and re-roofing.

There were no comments from the community council.

19/02579/FUL, EPC reference Telecommunications mast at Branault. Submission deadline was 1st of July.

There were no comments from the community council.

19/02579/FUL, Land 32m NE of Branualt House, Achateny, Erection of 17.5m mast (18.8m to antenna tips) with associated equipment and compound.

There were no comments from the community council.

19/02640/PND, Site at MacLean’s Nose, per MOWI. Replace existing C-Cap with Gael Force 400t seamate barge 14m x 14m.

There were no comments from the community council.

19/02468/FUL, Alt Sanna watercourse, Achnaha, per Scottish Water. Remedial works to weirs to allow fish passage.

There were no comments from the community council.

8.2  Community Council Correspondence

13/05/19; e-mail from Screenmachine confirming visit to Kilchoan

13/05/19; HC policy, short term lets consultation

13/05/19; HC policy, community led design grant

13/05/19; HC policy, community council network meeting 8th June

14/05/19; e-mail from Gus MacLennan of HC road confirming temp. sign at Ockle (see agenda item 6.2)

17/05/19; HC, Flood Risk Management Reports

21/05/19; Lochaber Clinical Model Notes

21/05/19; HC policy, Local Governance Review Newsletter

23/05/19; e-mail from Branault resident Elaine Stokes, reference proposed telecommunications mast at Branault

23/05/19; e-mail from Screenmachine confirming visit on the 15th and 16th of July

04/06/19; Lochaber Clinical Model Draft Proposals

09/06/19; Police update from PC Kevin Swift (see agenda item 7)

11/06/19; e-mail from GCC confirming Kate Forbes MSP visit on the 15th of August and the change of the next WACC meeting date to coincide

13/06/19; e-mail from Branault resident Elaine Stokes reference the new planning application for the telecommunications mast at Branault.

24/06/19; Letter of invitation to Ardnamurchan High School celebration of success 2019.


No update was available for presentation at the meeting.

10.  AOB

10.1 Visit of Kate Forbes MSP; GCC confirmed that Kate Forbes would be holding a surgery in Kilchoan on the 15th of August and had asked to attend the community council meeting which would be moved to Thursday the 15th of August to accommodate Kate. SC confirmed that Iain Blackford MP was also holding a surgery that day in Kilchoan.

10.2 Sunart Telecom Update; David Kirkham of Sunart Telecom presented an update to members on plans for broadband expansion in the area.

10.3 Wild Camping at Kilchoan Cemetery; Member of the public Morag Docherty raised this with members and confirmed that some members of the community had felt intimidated by campers whilst visiting the cemetery with loud music being played. KS confirmed that this could be deemed as anti-social behaviour and can be reported to the police.

Action. WACC to investigate the positioning of signage at the cemetery which is bordered by common grazing.

10.4 Recent Community Council Donation to the Community Centre; Community Centre Director, May Angus provided a financial breakdown on works to fit out the new surgery and waiting room.

Action; GCC to circulate to members following a tour of the facility.

10.5 Toilets at the Pier; JC confirmed these were now open all day and night, 7 days a week.

10.6 Telephone Kiosk, Gleborrodale; WACC to continue to investigate the purchase of this for use to locate a defibrillator.

Action; GCC to update at next meeting


The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15th of August at 7pm in the Kilchoan Community Centre.

GCC duly brought the meeting to a close thanking all for their attendance.

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