1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Chair - Rosie Curtis (RC); Vice Chair - Jessie Colquhoun (JC)
Secretary - Jim Frame (JF); Treasurer - Mairi Hunter (MH)
Gill Calver (GC); Sarah Houston (SH); Davie Ferguson (DF)
Attending: Cllr Ian Ramon, Cllr Andrew Baxter and 4 members of the public
Apologies: Bert Cameron
The Chair welcomed all attending this first meeting of WACC since lockdown in March. She acknowledged the trying times we all find ourselves in during the current pandemic and expressed sincere thanks to everyone throughout the West Ardnamurchan community who continue to work hard for the benefit of us all, as we navigate the current challenges.
She also extended our heartfelt condolences to the families of Martin Ellis and Bill Green, who both are sadly missed.
The Chair also expressed the community’s delight at the news of the recent arrival of baby Fergus, to Sophie and Nicky Docherty, and sends our congratulations and best wishes to them all.
2. Approval of previous Minute (Monday 9th March 2020) – approved JC; seconded GC
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Road repairs (including AOB items 7.4 and 7.5)
i) JF reported that members of the community had raised concerns about poor road surfaces through Ormsaigbeg, raised under item 7.4 but taken here under 3.1(i). It was recommended that we repeat the previous request for details, including photographs, of potholes and other road concerns throughout the area, which he will collate in a letter to HC, pursuing further repairs. It is acknowledged that priority cases (e.g. the current Camas Inas emergency repairs – item 7.5, taken below under 3.1(ii)) will take precedence but the general deterioration in roads warrants further attention. Photos and other details can be submitted to WACC by e-mail at westardcc@yahoo.com. Action Sec’y.
ii) GC had relayed concerns from residents at Camas Inas about access and wayleave concerns, which had now been eclipsed by the imminent threat to the structural integrity of the B8007, which has been undermined by recent tree fall above Camus Inas. (Highland Council has issued an emergency Closure Notice, with work commencing Wednesday 4th November. The road will be closed between 08:00hrs and 17:00hrs, opening every two hours for convoyed traffic. It will remain open between 17:00hrs and 08:00hrs on weekdays and all-day Saturday/Sunday. Work may extend for up to 21 days.)
Local Camus Inas resident, Mrs Ella Gill, attended the meeting and explained the background and history to the access/wayleave issues, which have been caused by obstructions to a previously open roadway and which leaves the settlement with only one access and egress route onto the B8007. This has generated significant distress and concern amongst residents, and also presents potential challenges for postal and other deliveries, and for Emergency Services access. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Local Authority (Access Officer) and may also become subject to civil proceedings, but it has been raised with WACC for information only at present. The Chair thanked Mrs Gill for bringing this to the meeting and acknowledged that it is an unfortunate, difficult and stressful situation for the residents to find themselves in. On behalf of WACC she hoped that an amicable resolution can be found in due course.
GC asked the members if WACC had a view on whether the through-roadway at Camus Inas is a public Right of Way, given its use historically by Postal and other delivery services. It was not felt that WACC is in a position to present such a view, as it is a matter for the Local Authority to address.
3.2 NHS services
i) Emergency Responders (ER) and Remote consultation (‘Telehealth’) facility, Kilchoan – RC confirmed that she had spoken with Alan Knox, Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS). With full support from SAS, 3 prospective candidates, all with medical training and resident in the local community, have been identified as prospective assistants to our local ERs, Jessie Colquhoun and Ricky Clarke. The new assistants will receive training from SAS in February. The Chair expressed our continuing gratitude for the commitment, dedication and invaluable service which Jessie and Ricky provide as our resident Emergency Responders. In addition, the Chair intimated that remote ‘Telehealth’ consultations with a GP will be made available, via a mobile tablet-based facility which will be provided and assisted by the ERs. Timing not clear but further details will be provided when available.
ii) Dail Mhor Care Home, Strontian – GC provided an update and referred members to the Community Consultation recently put out by Lara Van de Peer. Members and attendees are encouraged to complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KZY392J. Action all.
3.3 Corran Ferry Steering Group
DF provided a brief update on the Steering Group, with reference to preferred options as discussed previously. Cllr Andrew Baxter also provided input, confirming that the main challenge now is to secure funding. In response to a question from GC, Cllr Baxter indicated that it is intended that HC would need to undertake any necessary upgrade and improvements to current infrastructure before Scottish Government could consider taking on the running of the service.
4 Future Meeting Dates (all at 7.00pm)
Monday 7 December – AGM plus business meeting – by MS Teams (unless current Covid guidance changes)
5 Treasurer’s Report
Recent donation of £1000 received from Ardnamurchan Trust – current a/c balance stands at £1800.37. Still awaiting update by RBS of signatories for new WACC office bearers. JF to pursue with RBS. Action Sec’y.
Cheque for £1000 to be sent to WACDC as per previous arrangements.
6 Secretary’s Report
See addendum for list of correspondence handled since last WACC meeting. < To follow >
7.1 Kilchoan Jetty and Mooring Repairs – Chris Gane, attending on behalf of the West Ardnamurchan Jetty Association (WAJA) gave an update on proposals to improve and augment the existing Kilchoan jetty and mooring arrangements. Chris thanked WACC for the opportunity to speak to us and stressed the importance of WAJA securing WACC support for the project, which would realise significant improvements to the existing poor condition jetty and bring substantial benefit to community usage of the facility. They are currently preparing grant funding application (costs estimated at ~£55k) with WACDC as anchor organisation for the project and will also initiate local fund-raising activities in due course. RC confirmed the other members’ agreement and extended WACC’s unanimous support for the project, as recorded here. Chris will contact RC/JF with update on the project as WACC will submit a letter of support. Action Sec’y when WAJA contacts us.
7.2 Kilchoan Church project – Ella Gill, supported by Rev Fiona Ogg also in attendance, gave a brief outline of the Church’s plans for a basic building within the grounds of the existing Manse, to provide a place of worship for parishioners and which could be used for other community activities. They will be applying for Planning consent and would welcome WACC support for this. RC confirmed WACC wholeheartedly supports the plans and JF will prepare a letter of support on our behalf. Action Sec’y.
7.3 Local housing needs – the Chair reported a shortage of affordable housing available to several families with young children in the area. Cllr Baxter confirmed that HC has in imminent plans for any new social housing in the area and supported the suggestion that WACC writes to HC and Scottish Homes. Action Sec’y.
7.4 B8007 Glenmore Bridge replacement works – the Chair shared an email from Ardnamurchan Estates regarding HC proposals for replacing the bridge at Glenmore. Concerns have been raised relating to timing and possible impacts on local businesses. WACC members to consider details presented, for discussion at next meeting. Action all WACC members.
7.5 Vaccinations for children and infants in Kilchoan – the Chair relayed an email from a local resident, expressing concern, anger and disappointment at the requirement by Pines Medical practice for children and infants in Kilchoan and other villages in the area, to be taken to Pines in Acharacle for booster vaccinations. They have refused to administer these in the local surgeries, at significant inconvenience and cost to parents in outlying areas. It was unanimously agreed that WACC would write to Pines to express the same concerns and request a reconsideration of their current position. Action Sec’y.
7.6 De Tha Dol charges - the Chair raised concerns about the requirement by De Tha Dol for CCs to pay £25 per issue to publish minutes of CC meetings. JF to contact De Tha Dol and explore possibility of discounted charges. If WACC pays £25 to publish each monthly meeting Minute, it would impact heavily on funds. Action Sec’y.
7.7 Kilchoan-Tobermory ferry cancellation without notice – the Chair echoed the significant concerns and frustrations shared by members of West Ardnamurchan communities at the lack of notice given locally by CalMac to the cancellation of the ferry service recently. A pattern has emerged over recent years of the Kilchoan-Tobermory ferry being taken off route to cover for other routes due to technical or operational issues. This has had particular impact on local businesses and members of the community who work on Mull. JF to write on behalf of WACC and WA community. Cllr Baxter shared the concerns and offered support. He recommended WACC write also to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, and he would discuss with fellow Ward councillors to consider tabling a motion at HC meeting in Dec concerning the poor service offered to the community, dependent on response WACC gets from CalMac. Action Sec’y.
7.8 Sanna telephone box – Cllr Ramon reported that the public phone box at Sanna remained out of commission, despite numerous calls to BT (with no replies to date). WACC to write to BT. Action Sec’y.
8 Date of next meeting
Monday 13 April at 7.00 pm in Ardnamurchan Natural History Centre, Glenmore.
RC thanked everyone for their attendance and participation and closed the meeting at 7.45 pm.
If you wish to contact WACC, please e-mail: westardcc@yahoo.com