WACC Meeting Minutes, Monday 13th May, 7pm, Kilchoan Learning Centre


MONDAY 13th MAY 2019 AT 7PM




Geoff Campbell Chair (GCC)

Pat MacPhail Treasurer (PM)

Stewart Connor Secretary (SC)

Gill Calver (GC)

Jessie Colquhoun (JC)

Angie Campbell, Police Scotland (AC)


May McNicol Vice Chairperson (MM)

Cllr. Iain Ramon

Cllr. Niall MacLean

Also, present were 6 members of the public.

GCC welcomed everyone present to the meeting.

GCC on behalf of WACC noted with sadness the passing of Rob Lister and Stan Thompson.

Rob Lister had a 50-year long association with Ardnamurchan and sincere condolences were extended to Divina and his family.

Stan Thompson was a long-term friend of Ardnamurchan who sadly passed away after a short illness in hospital. Condolences were extended to Pamela Campbell.

GC expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the emergency responders and Scottish Ambulance Service who assisted in getting Stan to hospital. 


The minutes of the meeting held 8th April 2019 were adopted as a true account of the meeting. Proposed by PM and seconded by GC.


Agenda item 4; Access to hills and public rights of way

GC confirmed that the Highland Council core path consultation had not yet been issued. GC produced a copy of the recent minute of the Lochaber Access Forum and confirmed that she would circulate this to community council members.
GC reiterated that the Glenborrodale-Acharacle right of way followed the access to the Boys’ Club (Inchrya House and the kennels) from the public road through the bottom set of gates at the Castle. GC asked that this be noted in the minute of this meeting.
GC brought forward an AOB item relating to access to the forestry path at Dun Ghallain. It was highlighted by a Glenborrodale resident that the information board and access stile had recently been removed.
SC confirmed changes to the old Forestry Commission with two new departments set up. GC was asked to contact Ian Collier of the Forestry Commission and possibly invite him to the next WACC meeting.

GCC confirmed that a group of hill walkers had encountered a locked gate on the path between Fascadale and Sanna. He had contacted Ardnamurchan Estate about this to be told that a kissing gate was being installed and that the lock was temporary.
A discussion followed on the possibility that gates were being left open by walkers and that suitable signage requesting that they be kept closed rather than the locking of the gates may be a better solution.

Action; GC to forward the minute of the Lochaber Access Forum to members. GC to invite Ian Collier to the next WACC meeting.

Agenda item 12.5; Signage from B8007 to Swordle/Ockle

SC confirmed that this had been raised with Highland Council roads department under case reference number; FS116726408


It was agreed at the meeting to reduce the minute of monthly correspondence to contain the most relevant and removing items such as newsletters etc. from the minutes.

SC confirmed an error in the previous minutes where it should have referred to first responders as emergency responders.


3.1  Payments received; None

3.2  Payments made; None

3.3  Balance; £426.04

PM confirmed that she was working on having the accounts prepared for the AGM to be held prior to the next WACC meeting.


GCC confirmed that he had been informed that the 3 candidates for the emergency responder posts had withdrawn their applications. He understood that securing suitable accommodation in the area was a factor in this. GCC has asked for more information on this from Alan Knox.

JC confirmed that she was aware of the recruitment of 2 new hospital transport volunteers. The volunteers will be given basic first aid training and that car transport will be provided. The car was to be based in Strontian and where transport was provided by the volunteers own car from Kilchoan, mileage and expenses would be reimbursed.

A member of the public Fiona Ogg confirmed that a similar scheme was discussed for Acharacle with the transport linked to the Loch Shiel Garage but that this may have moved on to that outlined by JC.

GC confirmed a possible meeting in June reference Dalmhor. A discussion followed on the importance to the area of Dalmhor, and its requirement to provide both residential and respite care within the local community.

GC apologised for being unable to attend the Lochaber Health and Social Care Re-design meeting.

Action; JC to contact Alan Knox for a further update on the emergency responder recruitment


5.1  Updates from Highland Council

GCC confirmed that there had been a lot of work carried out on the roads in the community council area with potholes being patched and verges cut.

SC confirmed that Mark Smith senior roads engineer was still willing to meet with council members and that he was awaiting a new roads maintenance budget.

5.2   Review of road maintenance faults reported

See agenda item 3.


PC Angie Campbell (AC) who was present at the meeting confirmed that there was not much to report this month by way of police incidents.

With the tourist season upon us she confirmed that they were working on a leaflet that can be given to motorists who are not experienced in driving single track roads.

The issue of bogus and cold calling workmen was also discussed, and AC outlined the issues surrounding this. She also confirmed the production of a leaflet by trading standards to help inform on how works should be appointed.

SC raised the issue of campervans and the depositing of human waste from cassette toilets as highlighted at the last meeting. In some cases, these were being emptied into burns, water courses and even to the side of paths. SC asked AC if this was a criminal offence and it was thought that the offence of fly tipping could be used.


7.1  Planning Applications

      There were no applications submitted for the community council area this month

7.2  Community Council Correspondence

09/04/19; e-mail from GCC to Cllr. Andrew Baxter reference campervan waste

11/04/19; e-mail from GCC to Alan Knox reference emergency responder recruitment

25/04/19; Lochaber Health and Social Care Re-Design (LHSC) Meeting Agenda 9th May

30/04/19; Invitation to meet the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service board in Fort William; 27/06/19 2pm

09/05/19; e-mail from John Hutchison reference LHSC meeting 9th May

09/05/19; LHSC summary report and timeline

09/05/19; e-mail from HC Policy reference next year’s 75th anniversary of VE day

09/05/19; e-mail from HC Policy reference the opening of the investing in communities fund

09/05/19; e-mail from Glenborrodale resident Lynn Genevieve reference access to the Dun Ghallain forest walk. See agenda item 3.


GC confirmed that a paper on the Corran Ferry issues had been issued following the last WACC meeting. She also confirmed that Cllr Andrew Baxter has gone direct to the Scottish Government with the issues, however, there were no further updates.

Action; GC to circulate the paper written to WACC members.

9.    AOB

10.1 BT Phone Box; Kilchoan Church; PM confirmed that BT had been contacted and that they are sourcing additional parts to allow for the door to self-close.

10.2 Kilchoan Primary School Pupils Letters; GCC produced handwritten letters from the primary school pupils. These were put together with a view to allowing the pupils to engage in the workings of the community council. GCC confirmed that he would follow this up with a visit to the school.

10.3 WACC AGM; It was agreed that the June meeting of the WACC be cancelled due to the availability of members. The AGM would take place prior to the July WACC meeting.

10.4 Jackie Kay Poetry Reading; GCC made available posters advertising this event.

10.5 Runathon; GCC confirmed that this event would take place on the 25th May.

10.6 Recent Community Council Donation to the Community Centre; Members raised concern that the works at the doctor’s surgery/waiting room were still not complete. It was agreed that the next WACC meeting be held in the centre and that members of the centre board be invited to this meeting.

Action; PM will discuss further with the community centre

10.7 Speed limit on Pier Road; Following the minute of the last meeting where this was confirmed to be a police matter, AC was asked for advice on traffic calming measures. A figure of £5k was given for the installation of flashing speed indicators. AC thought that grant funding was finished for this type of infrastructure but would make further enquiries. A discussion on possible alternative measures followed.


The next meeting including the WACC AGM will take place on Monday 8th of July at 7pm in the Kilchoan Community Centre.

GCC duly brought the meeting to a close thanking all for their attendance.

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