Minute of meeting 9 March 2020 at Kilchoan Community Centre
1. Welcome
and apologies
Present: Chair - Rosie Curtis (RC); Vice Chair - Jessie Colquhoun (JC)
Secretary - Jim Frame (JF); Treasurer - Mairi Hunter (MH)
Gill Calver (GC); Bert Cameron (BC); Sarah Houston (SH); Davie Ferguson (DF)
Attending: Cllr Ian Ramon, PC Kevin Swift and 10
members of the public
Apologies: Cllr Andrew Baxter
The Chair
welcomed all present and noted the full attendance of all WACC members, both
newly appointed and re-elected for 2020.
She also reminded all present that the meeting was a WACC business meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend
and, at the discretion of the Chair, may participate in discussion or raise matters
for consideration, provided these are directed via the Chair.
2. Minute
of last meeting
2.1 The Minute of 10
February 2020 was adopted as a true account of the meeting – proposed JC,
seconded BC.
2.2 RC reported that,
following a complaint made by a member of public to Highland Council, she had
been contacted by the Senior Ward Manager of Highland Council, to remind WACC members
that they must abide by the Code of Conduct for Community Councillors which
they are deemed to have signed up to on election to the CC, and must thereby declare
any potential conflicts of interest in matters presented for WACC consideration. All members present acknowledged and
confirmed their understanding and agreement with this.
2.3 GC reported that a member of the public had approached her regarding an
omission in the Minute of the inaugural meeting held in January, of comments
made at the meeting about the Community mini-bus garage planning application and
speed limits through the village of Kilchoan.
In addition, the
same member of the public had noticed that in the Minute of the February
meeting, there was no mention of further comments made by another member of the
public relating to the garage application.
RC reminded the
meeting that Minutes which had been adopted and recorded as true records of
previous meetings are not open for further amendment.
Secretary’s addendum: There was no WACC business discussion at the
inaugural meeting about the mini-bus garage planning application. The January Minute does record that a member
of the public had urged the CC to “… continue to seek a speed-limit
reduction from 40mph to 30mph through Kilchoan.” As this item had appeared on WACC agenda and
Minutes dating back to 2017, prior to any submission of proposals to erect the
mini-bus garage, it was agreed that WACC would again raise Kilchoan village
speed limit concerns with HC. This has
no bearing on the mini-bus garage planning application, which is closed for
further consultation (ref HC Planning webpages).
3. Matters
Road repairs
It was widely acknowledged that repair works are
underway at several locations in the area, including on the Achosnich road
between Portuairk and the Lighthouse road-end;
RC repeated her previous request for photographs
of potholes and other road concerns, to support WACC in pursuing HC for further
repairs. These can be submitted to WACC
by e-mail at westardcc@yahoo.com.
In addition, members of the public were encouraged to phone Highland Council
direct to report specific areas of concern on 01349 886601.
NHS services
Emergency Responders (ER) and Remote consultation
(‘Telehealth’) facility, Kilchoan – RC confirmed that she will meet with Alan
Knox, Scottish Ambulance Service, on Wednesday 11 March, to discuss the matters
raised at the previous meeting. JF to
accompany her.
Dail Mhor Care Home, Strontian – GC provided
an update from the last joint CC meeting held on 26 February. An open day is scheduled for 31 March and
further ‘drop-in’ days planned for April/May.
GC will circulate Minute when available.
Corran Ferry Steering Group
GC attended the Steering Group meeting in Strontian
earlier in the day. The main topic of
discussion was the potential option for a fixed-link, which needs to be
submitted for Scottish Government consideration by the end of March or it could
miss the current review period (and unlikely thereafter to be reconsidered for
a further 20 years). Significant
concerns were expressed at the Steering Group (and at the WACC meeting) about
the lack of community consultation on this.
Notwithstanding the end of March deadline, and following pressure form
the Steering Group, it is understood that the Project Manager, Murray Bain, is available
to attend CC meetings in April and May to present details to local communities.
DF suggested that WACC write to Highland Council,
expressing concerns on behalf of the community about the lack of wider
consultation (JF to draft letter).
JF also to write to Murray Bain with dates of next two
meetings and request his attendance and participation (JF note – e-mail to MB
sent 11 March).
Further details of the Corran Ferry Steering Group
project is available in the Corran Ferry
project Community bulletin (displayed on the Kilchoan shop noticeboard), on the
Highland Council webpage at www.highland.gov.uk/corranferry,
or by e-mailing Corranferryproject@Highland.gov.uk
JF reported that the Sanna Grazings Committee had
approached WACC for a key to the public noticeboard at Sanna car park. Cllr Ramon confirmed that HC owns the board
but no one present at the meeting knew where the key was held. JF to contact HC Amenity Services to discuss
Associate Membership
WACC liaison with the following community groups was
WACDC – JC main contact, GC second
Trust – MH main contact, SH second
Dail Mhor
Care Home – GC main contact, RC second
Corran Ferry
Steering Group – GC main contact, DF second
Community Centre Board – BC main contact, SH second
Council – RC main contact, SH second
Trust – JC main contact, MH second
Future Meeting Dates (all at 7.00pm)
Monday 13 April
- Glenmore Centre
Monday 11 May -
Kilchoan Community Centre
Monday 8 June -
Kilchoan Community Centre
Monday 13 July -
Kilchoan Community Centre
Treasurer’s Report – no update on
previous position – current a/c balance stands at £800.37.
Correspondence & Planning
No current planning applications for
Cllr Niall Maclean – email offering to attend if
requested and confirming continued support for work of WACC;
Murray Bain, Project Manager, Corran Ferry
steering Group – market testing correspondence + note of meeting to be held 9
March (note – GC attended – see item 3.3 above);
Patricia Kennedy, Team Leader (Schools) – partnership
evening invite Wed 11 March, 19:00 at AHS;
Sanna Grazings Committee – request for
information on key for Sanna noticeboard (see item 3.4 above);
Kilchoan shore clean up – email from Geoff Campbell,
confirming date as 26 April (Sunday) – meet at Kilchoan Ferry Stores at 11.00am;
Aly Roberts, HC – info re Lochaber Health &
Social Care Redesign Steering Group (see JF for more detail if required);
HC Carpark Conversation – pre-consultation with
statutory consultees on proposals for car parking charges at sites in Glencoe,
Inverlochy, Kinlochleven and Strontian.
Key questions provided for CCs to answer – JF will circulate to WACC
members. Wider public consultation to
Nevis Centre, Fort William – Community Consultation
event scheduled for 24 March – 4.00pm-6.00pm and 7.00pm-9.00pm at Nevis Centre;
7.10 Calor
Rural Community Fund – applications invited for funding to support community
projects – circulated to members 11 March
Broadband Service Installation, Glenborrodale –
GC reported that broadband cabling now installed between Ardslignish and Laga. This generated discussion concerning untidy
work and damage to roads/verges by the contractor. Members of the public affected were
encouraged to use the Openreach on-line complaints facility to register their
Road signage, Kilmory/Ockle – JC reported that a
member of the public had raised concerns about the loss of a temporary road
sign at Kilmory for Ockle, which had been left to fall into disrepair and was
no longer legible. This has caused
confusion for visitors to the area. JF
to contact HC Roads and request a replacement.
(JF note – following the meeting a search of WACC correspondence
archives found previous requests to HC about this and their response agreeing
to provide the temporary signage, pending a new one. This will be followed up with HC Roads).
Police Report – PC Swift advised all present to
keep a watchful eye out for emails from scammers, in particular one alleging to
be from BT, threatening service cut-off if financial details not provided.
Date of next meeting
Monday 13 April at 7.00 pm in Ardnamurchan Natural
History Centre, Glenmore.
RC thanked everyone for their attendance and participation
and closed the meeting at 7.45 pm.